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What to do Activities

Best activities in Finland - lake Saimaa and Lappeenranta - Imatra region

There are diverse activities available in the Lappeenranta and Imatra region all year round. Would you like to play golf, take a cruise or see the sights? Maybe go hiking, swimming or shopping? Not to worry, you can do all of this – and much more – in the Lake Saimaa area.

The Sandcastle in Lappeenranta is a must-see for families travelling with children, but visitors of all ages enjoy marvelling at the Sandcastle and its activities. The Imatrankoski Rapids that traverse the town of Imatra are well worth admiring, and they have actually been a popular attraction among Europeans since the 1900s. 

For champions of greens and pools: There are three spas and four golf courses within a radius of 40 kilometres in the Saimaa area. You can admire some of the most amazing lake vistas in Finland on board a cruise ship, some of which head out all the way to Saimaa canal.

You will find great events and delightful options all year round in the Saimaa area’s event calendar, which is full of fun activities. More activities are listed in the weekly programmes for each area.