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What to do Sights Other sights and attractions

Other sights and attractions in the Lappeenranta and Imatra region

Niskapietilä-Miettilä Museum Road
19.5 km long road accepted as a museum destination in 1989
Church in Saimaa region
Nuijamaa church
The first church of Nuijamaa
kesämatkailu saimaan alueella
Kruununpuisto Park
Experience the beautiful Kruununpuisto Park
nähtävyydet lappeenranta ja imatra
Taavetti fortress
18th century fortress located in Luumäki
Kirkot imatran ja lappeerannan seudulla
St. Nicolas Church
Historical sacral objects dating from the 18th century onwards
ruokolahden kirkko
Ruokolahti Church
Visit the beautiful Ruokolahti Church
Walking trail in Imatra
Vuoksi cultural trail
Perfect for cycling and walking tours
Salpa Line in Lappeenranta
Rutola Village Trail
The village path introduces the visitor to the history of the village of Rutola
Lappee Maria church
Lappee Church
A gorgeous church in the centre of Lappeenranta
lappeenrannan matkailukohteet
The Old Town Hall of Lappeenranta
The oldest existing wooden town hall in Finland
lappeenrannan kirkko
Lappeenranta Church
Red brick church located on the embankment of Nikolai
koteläinpuisto imatralla ja lappeenrannasa
Domestic Animal Park, Salmon Angling Korpikeidas
Excellent destination for family trips
saimaan alueen kirkot
Lauritsala church
Real constructional masterpiece
Imatrankoski Rapids
Imatrankoski Rapids
Experience the foaming rapids
vierailukohteet saimaalla
Ylämaa Gem Village
Home of colourful gems
sammonlahden kirkko
Sammonlahti church
Church made of concrete, red bricks and grey granite
kesäloma kohteet saimaalla
Lehtisensaari island
Island in Lake Kuolimo
Place to visit in Lappeenranta
Salpa Line in Hostikka
A defence structure from the Second World War
Salpa Line
Defense line built during the Second World War
imatrankosken kirkko
Imatrankoski Church
Church built in the 1950s
Tainionkoski Church
The oldest church in Imatra
nähtävyydet lappeenrannassa
Sculptures and monuments in Lappeenranta
Get to know the numerous sculptures and monuments in Lappeenranta
Lappeenranta Orthodox Church
Orthodox church of Lappeenranta
Finland’s oldest Russian Orthodox Church
joutsenon kirkko
Joutseno Church
Church inaugurated in 1921
saimaan alueen kirkot
The Church of the Three Crosses
Visit the wonderful Church of the Three Crosses
Kärnäkoski fortress and mill
Fortress area located near the Kärnäkoski rapid
Parikkala Sculpturepark
Parikkala Sculpture Park
Experience the mystical and magnificent Parikkala Statue Park!
Rantaraitti Lappeenranta
Nature trail from the Pallo neighbourhood to the Skinnarila area
nähtävyydet lappeenrannassa
The Wildman of Lappeenranta
Heraldic symbol of Lappeenranta
nähtävyydet imatralla
Hiisi of Imatra
Born in Lake Saimaa and dived into the River Vuoksi
savitaipaleen kirkko
Savitaipale Church
The most beautiful church in the province
Partakoski cultural landscape
Partakoski village is located between Lake Saimaa and Lake Kuolimo
nähtävyydet lappeenrannan ja imatran seudulla
Rahikkala windmill
Fully functional windmill built back in 1804
taipalsaaren kirkko
Taipalsaari Church
Church completed in the year 1754
luumäen kirkko
Luumäki church and church hill
Let your mind rest in the calm environment of Luumäki church
imatran tori
Marketplaces and Summer Markets, Imatra
Local products and South Karelian atmosphere
Imatra’s town brook
Imatra’s town brook
Beautiful town brook close to Imatrankoski.
elokuvateatteri lappeenrannassa
Nuijamies – cultural venue in Lappeenranta
Event venue for many different kinds of events
Marketplaces and summer markets, Lappeenranta
Markets full of local delicacies
What to see at Lake Saimaa region
Ruokolahti Church Hill
Church hill located in a beautiful place precisely on a shore of Lake Saimaa
Ylämaa Church
Ylämaa church
Church with a unique baptismal font made of Ylämaa spectrolite gemstone
Saimaa Geopark
Kummakivi erratic boulder
A magnificent boulder located in Ruokolahti