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About the region The main sights at Lake Saimaa

The must-see attractions in Saimaa

On the shores of Lake Saimaa, which is the largest and most beautiful lake in Finland, you will find many things to see. Start exploring Saimaa from the Harbour of Lappeenranta where the lively markets and restaurants invite you to enjoy a summer day. Experience the historical Fortress of Lappeenranta and the powerful Imatrankoski Rapids and explore the giant’s kettles located next to the Rapids in the Kruununpuisto Park. Spend an eventful holiday in Ukonniemi in Imatra or Rauha in Lappeenranta. Go for the Saimaa archipelago route and enjoy the magnificent scenery! On the archipelago route, you can explore the region’s charming villages and the hidden treasures they offer.