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Cafe Majurska

Kahvila MajurskaKahvila Majurska Kahvila Majurska Kahvila Majurska Lappeenrannassa

An atmospheric old-fashioned café in Lappeenranta's historic fortress

Located in Lappeenranta Fortress, surrounded by historic ramparts and lush trees, Cafe Majurska is one of Lappeenranta's most famous cafés.

The Majurska House was built in the mid-18th century as a residence for Russian officers' families. Today, the walls of the house hide countless stories of the past.

The café's authentic decor and cosy atmosphere are a favourite with locals and visitors from all over the world. Majurska Café bakes with skill and flair and serves its customers with a big heart.

Delicious classics include curd, apple and berry tarts. They have been in the range since opening and continue to delight guests with their homemade flavour.

Café Majurska welcomes you to enjoy the old-fashioned atmosphere!

The café is open:

Mon - Sat 10 am - 6 pm
Sun 11 am - 6 pm

Cafe Majurska
Kristiinankatu 1