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Café Röytty

Taipalsaari ChurchThe house RöyttyThe house RöyttyThe house Röytty

Former 17th century military residence turned into a café

The house Röytty was first time mentioned at the end of the 17th century as a military residence. From 1700 to 1937 Röytty served as a guest house. At the beginning of the 20th century, half of the real estate was taken over by the family Rikkonen.

Veikko Rikkonen (1934-2015), the last Head of the estate, sold the house to the Municipality of Taipalsaari in 1988. Local Heritage House Röytty was opened in 1996. Since 2013, local associations have been running a café here in the summer and at Christmas. Taipalsaari Artisans have their sales exhibition in the side rooms of the house, and horse-drawn vehicles are presented in the stable museum.

Café Röytty
Leikonrannantie 5