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Where to go in LappeenrantaVacation Lake SaimaaHämmäauteensuoHiking in Lappeenranta

Swamp area with a short nature trail

Hämmäauteensuo is a swamp area with a short nature trail around the swamp. Hämmäauteensuo is an exciting place for the whole family to visit! Along the trail, there is also a lean-to (laavu) where you can stop and prepare your snacks in the campfire. The Hämmäauteensuo area is protected. 

The starting point of the route is located at the car park along the Vyborg road, where you will also find the first signpost on the route. From the starting point, follow the forest path for a short distance, which leads to a short section of longitudinal wood. You then return to the woods for a short while, soon followed by a 1 km long wooded section over a bog. The long trees end at the foot of a hillside. The slope rises and you walk a short distance to a new climb that brings you to the top of the hill and to the campsite.

It is a good idea to take some picnic food with you, you can also make a fire at the campsite. Return along the edge of the bog via two different routes, the shorter being about 1 km and the longer 2 km. The longer trail takes you into an old spruce forest and then along a small gravel road back to the starting point.

Hämmäauteensuo is a protected area and is part of the national mire protection programme. However, hikers are allowed to pick berries, mushrooms and use the area as an educational site. However, it is recommended that movement be concentrated on the built longitudinal paths.

Getting there:

From Lappeenranta and from VT6 southwards to Vainikkala on the road (390). From the VT6 about 6 km, until you see a sign to the right "Hämmäauteensuo P-paikka". The path starts from the P-point.

See also the hiking etiquette.

Source outdooractive.com
