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Kärnäkoski fortress and mill

Fortress area located near the Kärnäkoski rapid

A fortress area located near the Kärnäkoski rapid is an interesting place to visit. The bastion fortress, built by Russian General Alexander Suvorov as part of the defence of St. Petersburg, was completed in 1793. The fortress area is classified as a nationally important, cultural historical environment and scenic area. During the summer, sheep graze freely in the area. The fortress area is also accessible by boat.

A flour mill and sawmill built in the 1800s and powered by the Kärnäkoski rapids are well worth exploring as an authentic part of the cultural milieu of the area. The historical mills are located right next to the fortress. In the nearby barge harbour, one can peep into the clear water to view barge wooden structures that have sunk long ago. One can also enjoy the lake view and have a picnic in the close-by Vuorilinnoitus shelter.

Kärnäkoski Fortress and Mill is a part of Saimaa UNESCO Global Geopark 

Kärnäkoski fortress and mill
Partakoskentie 845