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Taipalsaari Scenic Cycling Route

Admire the beautiful Saimaa scenery

Taipalsaari is known as the county of isles and the causeway that goes there is one of the most beautiful in Finland. So head your way to Taipalsaari if you want to admire beautiful Saimaa scenes – this route guarantees the view!

You can rent your bike from Lappeenranta harbour where you can also experience the open-hearted Karelian atmosphere. Sit down to drink a cup of coffee or have local delicacies on harbour coffee stands and enjoy the bustle of the harbour.

On the way to Fortress stop at Pusupuisto and take a look at the Rakuuna –statue which honours our cavalry tradition and the memorial of the 1721 battle. Then head your bike to the cobblestone street that leads up to the Fortress area and enter the Vyborg gate. In the Fortress, you can find museums that introduce you to the history, art and cavalry traditions of our area and also Finland’s oldest Orthodox Church. The walls of Fortress have been restored to show you the original lines and offer also a magnificent view over harbour.

Visit the handicraft and art shops in Majurska House, it houses also Café Majurska. After visiting the busy life in harbour and the history of Fortress you still have to stop and admire the biggest sand sculptures in Scandinavia in the Lappeenranta Sandcastle area.

After that you can head your way to the beautiful scenic route of Taipalsaari. Do remember to take your swimming suit and towel with you, because there are possibilities to stop for a swim on the way. Do take your time to stop and admire the views on the way as well! Who knows, you might just see a glimpse of Saimaa ringed seal… And totally without culture is this route either: in Kuivaketvele you can visit the most imposing fortification of our area and the view from its 40 metre high top is overwhelming.

If you need refreshments on the way you can stop for amenities in Saimaanharju and in Taipalsaari church village. If you wish to enjoy the historic stories at the same time dine at the Local History Centre of Röytty. Röytty and Taipalsaari church area with their ambiance remind of the long history of this area. Go down the road to visit the harbour, there is a cute little beach.

Route description

The route from Lappeenranta to Taipalsaari is 15 km one way, 30 km both ways. You can overnight in Taipalsaari if you want to or you can drive straight back to Lappeenranta. The trip is safe, as there is coated cycle path almost all the way. The terrain is a bit hilly, especially when driven to Taipalsaari direction, but an overall easy trip to make. And when you drive back you can take it nice and easy!

Taipalsaari Scenic Cycling Route