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Ylämaa Gem Village

Home of colourful gems

Ylämaa is known for its unique gemstone “spectrolite“ said to be the world's most beautiful labradorite. Spectrolite has crystallised within the crust of the earth nearly 2,000 million years ago. The Ylämaa spectrolite comes in exceptionally vibrant and varied colours.

In the Gem Village, with its museum and gem shops, you can watch how spectrolite is cut into jewellery. Joining the guided tour at the Gem Village and Gem Museum will give you the chance to experience the spectrolite with your own hands. You will also find out how the gems are made into jewellery and other art objects.

On a historic note, a visit to the Pätäri House Museum will reward anyone intrigued by Ylämaa's past. Local farm products and handicrafts are available at the producers' market in the Gem Village. View the beautiful Ylämaa countryside from the signposted Stone & Nature paths.

Ylämaa Gem Village
Kivikyläntie 19