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Imatrankoski Rapids

Experience the foaming rapids

The Imatrankoski flows free in early summer.

The level of Lake Saimaa is rising to record highs, which means that the Vuoksi river is likely to be flowing bypassed long into the summer. The bypass will allow water to flow freely through the dam for as long as the water level in the Saimaa requires. Current forecasts indicate that water levels will remain high at least until July. This forecast is subject to change, as the water level is influenced, among other things, by the amount of rainfall.
Due to diversions, there will be no raft shows in May-June, except for the 15 June show. In the event of the end of the bypass, rapids shows will take place from Wednesday to Sunday at 18:00 in July and August.

The Rapids shows in 2024:

  • 15th at 6 PM 
  • In July and August a Rapids show every week from Wednesday to Sunday at 6 PM.
  • Aug 24th at 9.30 PM Imatra Day
  • From October 18th to 19th and 25th to 26th at 6 PM.
  • Dec 6th at 4 PM 

Changes to the schedule are possible. It is always advisable to check the schedule closer to the planned date imatrankoski.fi

Imatrankoski rapids were formed 5,000 years ago when the land rose after the Ice Age and Lake Saimaa waters tore the Salpauselkä ridge apart. Imatrankoski was a famous tourist attraction already 300 years ago, and at the end of the 19th century, it was considered one of Europe’s most popular attractions. Many famous people visited Imatrankoski at that time and the tourism in Imatra is considered to have begun in 1772 when Empress Catherine II of Russia and her retinue came to admire this magnificent play of the water in the narrow waterway.

The Rapids show lasts approx. 16 minutes. Eight minutes after the flood gates are opened, the foams reach their peak with an average of 400 cubic metres of water per second flowing in the stream. In the summer surge of the rapids will be accompanied by music of Jean Sibelius or the Whitewater Symphony by the Osmo's Cosmos band.

Rapids are nowadays blocked by a dam, but during the summer there are daily shows when the dam is opened. The show is a very popular and free event gathering always hundreds of people to see magnificent nature show. Imatrankoski Rapids is also part of Saimaa UNESCO Global Geopark. Read more 

Imatrankoski Rapids
Imatrankoskentie 3