Discover the hidden treasures of Lake Saimaa!
A Geopark is an area with clear boundaries that has scientifically or scenically significant geological sites. In addition to geology, geoparks also have interesting natural sites and historic attractions. Saimaa UNESCO Global Geopark is located in South Karelia and Southern Savonia, in 9 municipalities: Imatra, Lappeenranta, Mikkeli, Puumala, Sulkava, Ruokolahti, Juva, Savitaipale and Taipalsaari.
Saimaa UNESCO Global Geopark’s 65 geosites tell about the ancient times of Finland’s largest lake. With cliffs and steep vantage points, tourists can move back nearly two billion years. The marginal formations, esker terrains, erratics, and potholes are reminiscent of the most recent ice age, which ended about 10,000 years ago.
Tourists can get to know the history of the Saimaa region and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the 53 natural and cultural sites of the Saimaa UNESCO Global Geopark, which make the long connection of people and geology visible. Lake Saimaa with its beaches and various terrain forms is the basis for a rich and diverse culture that is enjoyed by both locals and tourists.
One of the goals of the UNESCO Global Geoparks is to support local residents to get to know and appreciate their local area by revealing the geological heritage of the area and by making it a part of life for the local community. Geoparks cherish the region’s unique geology, nature and culture, and promote the productisation and operation of sustainable development.
Saimaa UNESCO Global Geopark cooperates with entrepreneurs and communities through the Partner network. The Partners present their offerings on the Outdooractive nature tourism platform. Hiking routes, accommodation and restaurants, activities and destination information can be found on the site. There are wonderful experiences available all year round, check out the services offered by the Partners on our website and Outdooractive!