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What to do Sights Museums and exhibitions

Museums and exhibitions in the Lappeenranta and Imatra region

In the Lappeenranta and Imatra region you can find many different kinds of museums, most of them are open all year round. Museums are also a great option to spend your day if it happens to rain! Take also culture and art exhibitions part of your holiday. Visual arts here have found much of their inspiration from the beautiful natural landscapes of South Karelia. Please check the valid opening hours on the websites of the service providers.

museot saimaan alueella
D. E. D. Europaeus museum
Life stages and extensive life’s work of archaeologist D. E. D. Europeaus
kulttuuritalo virta
Cultural centre Virta
Ideal setting for cultural events, celebrations, conferences and exhibitions
etelä-karjalan automuseo
South Karelian motor museum
A comprehensive view of Finnish motor history
kulttuurimatka saimaalla
Karelian farmhouse Hiljan piha
Authentic Karelian farm from the 19th century
taidemuseot lappeenrannassa
Lappeenranta Art Museum
Finnish art from the mid 19th century to the present day
sotamuseo lappeenranta ja imatra
Kollaa and Simo Häyhä Museum
Battles of Kollaa during the Winter War and the life of sniper Simo Häyhä
Active Holiday in Finnish Lakeland
Cavalry Museum
History of the Finnish cavalry
Museot Imatralla
Imatra Town Museum
Exhibitions presenting the various phases of the Imatra region
The house Röytty
Café Röytty
Former 17th century military residence turned into a café
nähtävää imatran ja lappeenrannan seudulla
The Industrial Workers’ Housing Museum
Historical housing museum
nähtävyydet saimaalla
Ylämaa Gem Museum
Come and see the magnificent gems of Ylämaa
kultuurimatka saimaalla
Imatra Art Museum
1600 artworks focusing on Finnish visual arts
Border Museum Immola
History of the borders in Finland and the Finnish border guards
museokohteet lappeenrannan ja imatran seudulla
Church Builders Museum
Works of the famous Savitaipale church builders
Karjalan ilmailumuseo
Karelia Aviation Museum
Ideal place to visit for those interested in aviation
nähtävyydet saimaalla
Hakamäki House Museum
Experience country milieu in Hakamäki
museot imatran ja lappeenrannan seudulla
Wolkoff’s House Museum
Unique history of Lappeenranta
museokohteet imatralla ja lappeenrannassa
Nuijamaa Parish Museum
Parish Museum located in Nuijamaa
museokohteet saimaalla
Saimaa Canal Museum
Insight into the construction work of the Saimaa Canal
Kotkaniemi – the home museum of President P.E. Svinhufvud
The former home of President P. E. Svinhufvud
museot imatralla
Veteran Museum Imatra
Explore the items of Second World War organization Lotta Svärd
museot etelä-karjalassa
South Karelia Museum
History of South Karelia from the Middle Ages to this day